Logbook requirements

Due to frequent changes in federal and state regulations, the Michigan Center for Truck Safety cannot ensure the accuracy of the material contained in the Guidebook beyond the date of publication. For current information, contact the Center at (800) 682-4682. This document.


General Information


• The daily log is an accurate and complet record of a driver’s activities for each 24-period.


• Unless exempt (see Short-Haul Provision below) 100 air-mile exemption to the, all drivers must record their duty status using the daily logbook.


• All entries in the logbook shall be accurate,legible and in the driver’s own handwriting


• Employers must retain the daily logs at their principal place of business

 (previous   six months)


• Employers must maintain supporting documents to verify the logs are true and accurate


Short-Haul Provision (exemption)


  • Drivers who operate CMVs which do not require a CDL and who operate within a 150 air-mile radius of their normal work reporting location:May drive a maximum of 11 hours after comingon duty, following 10 or more consecutive hours off duty Are not required to keep the daily log.

  • May not drive beyond the 14th hour after comingon duty five days a week or after the 16th hour after coming on duty two days a week.


100 air-mile (exemption)


CDL drivers who operate within a 100 air-mile radius of their normal work reporting location:May drive a maximum of 11 hours after coming on duty, following 10 or more consecutive hours off duty. Are not required to keep the daily log May not drive beyond the 12th hour after coming on duty five days a week or after the 16th hour after coming on duty one day a week.


 Drivers using the Short-Haul Provision or the 100-air mile exemption must comply with the 60-/70-hour rule and may use the 34-hour restart.


Employers must maintain accurate and true records

(timecards, timesheets, etc.) for each driver

using the Short-Haul Provision or the 100 air-mile



The employer must always have the

previous six month’s records on file and available

for review.



These records must identify


  • The driver
  • The time the driver reports for duty
  • The time the driver is released from duty
  • The total on-duty hours each day



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